
Noticast: Seamless Team Connection. Instant prompts, enhanced collaboration.

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앱 세부 정보

총 설치 수
Omni Wise
Multiple plans available

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플랜 및 가격

Standard Notifications

Free 5-day trial, then $0.75 per agent, per month

A straightforward plan for hands-on control, allowing users to create and send notifications manually. Ideal for those who prefer direct engagement, this plan offers simplicity and flexibility with user-created notifications.

Rule Based Notifications

Free 5-day trial, then $0.75 per agent, per month

Elevate your messaging strategy with automation. Designed for high efficiency, this plan enables users to set tailored rules that trigger notifications automatically. It provides a powerful way to ensure important messages reach the right people when needed.

Ultimate Notifications

Free 5-day trial, then $1.50 per agent, per month

Unlock full messaging potential, enjoy the straightforward control of manual notifications and the efficiency of automated, rule-based triggers in one powerful plan. Reach your audience on your terms with both flexibility and automation at a bundled rate, maximizing communication impact and value.

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