구독자 일반 약정
We have updated Our Master Subscription Agreement. If You are a new Subscriber, then this Master Subscription Agreement will be effective as of December 1, 2020. If You are an existing Subscriber, We are providing You with prior notice of these changes which will be effective as of January 1, 2021. For the previous version of Our Master Subscription Agreement, please click here. For a PDF version of this Master Subscription Agreement, please click here. If You are acquiring a subscription to a Service operated by Zendesk from an unrelated third party authorized to sell such subscriptions under a separate agreement with Zendesk, the terms of this Master Subscription Agreement shall be null and void, and the terms and conditions that govern Your access to and use of the Service are found here.
본 약정은 귀사에 대한 구속력 있는 계약을 구성하며 귀사와 에이전트 및 최종 사용자의 서비스 이용 및 액세스에 적용됩니다. 이때 해당 서비스가 유료 구독 서비스인지 또는 무료 평가판인지 여부와는 무관합니다.
귀사의 서비스 액세스 또는 사용, 혹은 에이전트나 최종 사용자에게 서비스 액세스 또는 사용의 권한을 부여하거나 허용하는 등의 방법으로 본 약정을 수락하는 것은 귀사가 해당 서비스에 대한 액세스 또는 사용 날짜(“유효일”)를 기준으로 본 약정의 구속력에 따를 것에 동의하는 것입니다.회사, 조직 또는 다른 법적 실체(이하 “법인”)을 대신하여 본 약정을 체결하는 경우, 이는 해당 법인에 대해 본 약정에 합의하고 해당 법인 및 그 계열사를 본 약정에 구속받게 할 권한이 귀사에 있음을 Zendesk에 표명하는 것입니다. 본 약정에서 “구독자”, “귀사”, “귀사의” 또는 본 약정에서 대문자로 표기한 관련 용어는 해당 법인 및 그 계열사를 지칭합니다.이러한 권한이 없거나 본 약정에 동의하지 않는 경우, 해당 서비스를 사용하거나 어떠한 부분에 대해서도 사용 권한을 부여해서는 안 됩니다.
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which Subscriber may purchase Zendesk’s Services and Consulting Services as described in an Order Form or in a Statement of Work signed by You.
본 약정 내용과 모든 주문 양식이나 작업 명세서 간의 내용 불일치 또는 충돌이 있는 경우 해당 주문 양식이나 작업 명세서의 내용이 우선합니다.본 약정의 비영어 번역본은 편의를 위해서만 제공됩니다.번역 간에 모호하거나 충돌하는 부분이 있는 경우 영문본이 우선하며 그에 따라 관장됩니다.
일반 약관:
- 서비스에 대한 액세스
- 서비스 이용
- 약정 기간과 취소 및 종료
- 청구, 플랜 변경 및 결제
- 기밀 정보
- 서비스 데이터의 소유권 및 보안
- 개인 정보 보호 관행
- 일시 정지
- 비 Zendesk 서비스
- 무료 평가판
- 베타 서비스
- 지식 재산권
- 진술, 보증 및 책임의 부정
- 면책
- 책임의 제한
- 제3자 서비스 제공 업체
- 양도, 완전한 합의 및 개정
- 조항의 가분성
- 수출 규정 준수 및 사용 제한
- 당사자 관계
- 알림
- 준거법
- 연방 정부 조달 조항
- Anti-Corruption
- 잔존 규정
- 정의
Supplemental Terms and Conditions:
일반 약관
섹션 1. 서비스에 대한 액세스
1.1 서비스. 당사에서는 귀사가 구독한 서비스 플랜에 따라 본 약정 및 해당 주문 양식 및 문서에 기반해 서비스 및 서비스 데이터를 제공할 것입니다. 당사는 우리는 상업적으로 합당한 노력을 기울여 하루 24시간, 일주일에 7일 간 서비스를 제공하되, (a) 계획된 다운 타임(당사 사이트에 미리 공지하거나 계정 소유자에게 사전 통지함) 및 (b) 불가항력의 경우는 제외합니다.
1.2 지원. 당사에서는 추가 비용 없이 해당 사이트 및 문서에 설명된 바대로 귀사에 해당 서비스에 대한 표준 고객 지원을 제공할 것이며, 서비스를 구매한 경우에는 업그레이드 고객 지원을 제공합니다.
1.3 변경. 귀사는 구독 기간 중 Zendesk가 서비스의 특성 및 기능을 변경할 수 있음을 인정합니다. Zendesk는 모든 중요한 특징이나 기능의 지원 중단에 대해 사전에 상업적이고 합리적인 방식으로 귀사에 통지할 것입니다.
1.4 부가 기능.당사에서는 모든 부가 기능을 활성화하기 전에 적용되는 보조 약관 또는 대체 약관을 귀사에 통지합니다.귀사의 계정에서 모든 부가 기능을 활성화하는 것은 적용되는 보조 약관 또는 대체 약정에 귀사가 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다.
1.5 계열사에 대한 권리 확장. 귀사는 본 약정에 제공된 귀사의 권리, 혜택 및 보호를 귀하의 계열사 및 계약자나 서비스 제공 업체(귀사 또는 귀사의 계열사를 대리하여 행위를 하는)로 확장 가능합니다. 단, 본 약정의 준수 책임은 귀사에 있습니다.
섹션 2.서비스 사용
2.1 Login Management. Access to and use of the Services is restricted to the specified number of individual Agents permitted under Your subscription to the applicable Service. You agree and acknowledge that an Agent Login cannot be shared or used by more than one (1) individual per Account. However, Agent Logins may be reassigned to new individuals replacing former individuals who no longer require ongoing use of the Services. You and Your Agents are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all Agent Login information for Your Account. Absent a written license from Zendesk expressly stating otherwise, You agree and acknowledge that You may not use the Services, including but not limited to the API, to circumvent the requirement for an individual Agent Login for each individual who (a) leverages the Services to interact with End-Users; (b) Processes data related to interactions with End-Users; or (c) Processes data related to interactions originating from a Non-Zendesk Service that provides functionality similar to functionality provided by the Services and which would, pursuant to this Agreement, require an individual Agent Login if utilizing the Services for such interaction. Further, Subscriber shall not use the API or any Software in such a way to circumvent applicable Service Plan restrictions or Agent licensing restrictions that are enforced in the Service user interface. Should Zendesk discover that Your use of a Service violates this Agreement or the Service Plan features and limitations on Our Site or Documentation, Zendesk reserves the right to charge You, and You hereby agree to pay for said overuse, in addition to other remedies available to Us.
2.2 Compliance. As between You and Zendesk, You are responsible for compliance with the provisions of this Agreement by Agents and End-Users and for any and all activities that occur under Your Account, which Zendesk may verify from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, You are solely responsible for ensuring that Your use of the Services is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations as well as any and all privacy policies, agreements or other obligations You may maintain or enter into with Agents or End-Users.
2.3 Content and Conduct. In addition to complying with the other terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement, You agree to the Zendesk User Content and Conduct Policy available on Zendesk’s Policies and Procedures Website, which is hereby incorporated into this Agreement. Further, in Your use of the Services You agree not to (a) modify, adapt, or hack the Services or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or related systems or networks; (b) falsely imply any sponsorship or association with Zendesk or the Zendesk Group; (c) use the Services in any unlawful manner, including, but not limited to, violation of any person’s privacy rights; (d) attempt to bypass or break any security or rate limiting mechanism on any of the Services or use the Services in any manner that interferes with or disrupts the integrity, security or performance of the Services and its components; (e) attempt to decipher, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise discover the source code of any Software making up the Services; (f) to the extent You are subject to the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and its implementing regulations (HIPAA), use the Services to store or transmit any “protected health information” as defined by HIPAA, unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing by Zendesk; (g) use or launch any automated system that accesses a Service (i.e., bot) in a manner that sends more request messages to a Service server in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional online web browser; or (h) launch or facilitate, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a level of traffic on any of the Services, or engage in any other conduct that materially and adversely impacts the security, availability, or stability of the Services.
2.4 시스템 요구 사항. 서비스를 제대로 전송하려면 고속 인터넷 연결이 필요합니다. 귀사는 귀사의 네트워크를 해당 서비스(Zendesk에서 사용하는 프로토콜을 지원하는 브라우저 소프트웨어를 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않으며 전송 계층 보안(TLS) 프로토콜 또는 Zendesk에서 허용하는 기타 프로토콜을 포함함)에 연결하도록 네트워크 연결을 확보하고 유지 관리할 책임이 있습니다. 또한 이러한 프로토콜을 지원하는 서비스에 액세스하기 위한 절차를 따릅니다.당사는 귀사와 에이전트 또는 최종 사용자에게 모든 그러한 소프트웨어의 업그레이드, 수정 또는 개선 사항 또는 컴퓨터 네트워크, 또는 통신 시설 (인터넷을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않음)을 통해 전송되는 서비스 데이터를 포함한 데이터 손상에 관해 통지할 책임이 없으며 이는 Zendesk가 소유, 운영 또는 관장하지 않습니다.당사에서는 본 섹션에 설명된 모든 연결의 신뢰성이나 성능에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.
2.5 Internal Business Purposes Only. Unless otherwise authorized by Zendesk in this Agreement or expressly agreed to otherwise in writing by Zendesk, You may not use the Services in any manner where You act as a service bureau or to provide any outsourced business process services on behalf of more than one (1) third party (other than Affiliates) through a single Account. Accordingly, You agree not to license, sublicense, sell, outsource, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, time-share or otherwise commercially exploit or resell the Services to any third party, other than authorized Agents and End-Users in furtherance of Your internal business purposes as expressly permitted by this Agreement, unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing by Zendesk. Without limiting the foregoing, Your right to access and use the API is also subject to the restrictions and policies implemented by Zendesk from time to time with respect to the API as set forth in the Documentation or otherwise communicated to You in accordance with this Agreement.
2.6경쟁 업체 액세스 금지. Zendesk의 명시적인 사전 서면 동의가 있는 경우를 제외하고 귀사가 Zendesk 그룹의 직접적인 경쟁 업체인 경우 서비스에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 귀사는 경쟁 관련 목적으로 서비스에 액세스할 수 없습니다.
섹션 3.약정 기간과 해지 및 종료
3.1 구독 조건. 귀사의 계정 및 서비스 구독이 본 약정의 내용에 따라 종료되지 않는 한, 또는 주문 양식에 달리 제공되지 않는 한 (a) 귀사의 서비스(배포된 모든 관련 서비스 포함) 구독은 만료되는 구독 기간과 동일한 기간으로 갱신되며, (b) 다음 구독 기간에 적용되는 구독 요금은 그러한 다음 구독 기간이 개시되는 시점에 해당 서비스 플랜 및 배포된 관련 서비스에 대한 당사의 표준 구독 요금이 적용됩니다.
3.2 Cancellation. Either Party may elect to terminate Your Account and subscription to a Service as of the end of Your then current Subscription Term by providing notice, in accordance with this Agreement, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of such Subscription Term.
3.3 Mutual Termination for Cause. A Party may terminate this Agreement for cause (a) upon written notice to the other Party of a material breach if such breach remains uncured at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of the breaching Party’s receipt of such written notice; or (b) if the other Party becomes the subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or assignment for the benefit of creditors.
귀사가 본 조항에 따라 본 약정을 해지하는 경우, 당사는 해지 발효일을 기준으로 남은 구독 기간에 해당하는 선급 수수료를 귀사에 환급합니다.
If this Agreement is terminated by Us in accordance with this Section, You will pay any unpaid fees covering the remainder of the Subscription Term pursuant to all applicable Order Forms. In no event will Our termination for cause relieve You of Your obligation to pay any fees payable to Us for the period prior to the effective date of termination.
3.4 Payment Upon Termination. Except for Your termination under Section 3.3, if You terminate Your subscription to a Service or cancel Your Account prior to the end of Your then effective Subscription Term, or if We terminate or cancel Your Account pursuant to Section 3.3, in addition to any other amounts You may owe Zendesk, You must immediately pay any then unpaid Subscription Charges associated with the remainder of such Subscription Term.
3.5 환불 불가.섹션 3.3에 따른 귀사의 약정 해지 권리를 제외하고, 귀사가 현재 구독 기간이 만료되기 전에 서비스 구독 해지 또는 계정 취소를 선택하려는 경우, 구독 요금 또는 기타 수수료 또는 결제 등에 대한 환불 또는 크레딧이 제공되지 않습니다.
3.6 Export of Service Data. For thirty (30) days after the effective date of termination or expiration of this Agreement, upon Your request, We will make Service Data available to You for export or download as provided in the Documentation. Thereafter, We will have no obligation to maintain or provide any Service Data, and, as provided in the Documentation, We will, unless prohibited by law or legal order, delete Your Service Data in Our Services in accordance with Our Data Deletion Policy available on Zendesk’s Policies and Procedures Website.
섹션 4.청구와 플랜 수정 및 결제
4.1 결제 및 청구. 본 약정, 주문 양식, 작업 명세서 또는 보조 약관에 명시적으로 달리 표기하지 않은 한, 모든 구독 요금은 구독 기간이 시작될 때 또는 배포된 서비스와 관련하여 해당 서비스를 구매하거나 구독 혹은 달리 배포하는 시점에 전액 지급해야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 사용 요금에 대해 별도로 합의된 바에 따릅니다.유효하고 통용되는 결제 정보를 제공할 책임이 귀사에 있으며 귀사는 결제 정보를 포함한 귀사의 계정 정보를 모든 변경 사항(예: 청구 주소 또는 신용 카드 만료일 변경)을 반영해 즉시 업데이트하기로 동의합니다. 지불 연체를 통지한 후 영업일 기준으로 오(5) 일 이내에 주문 양식 또는 작업 명세서 또는 보조 약관에 표시된 구독 요금이나 기타 요금이 지급되지 않거나, 당사의 요청에 따른 결제 정보가 업데이트되지 않은 경우, 당사가 사용할 수 있는 다른 구제책 외에도 해당 서비스에 대한 귀사와 에이전트 및 최종 사용자의 액세스 및 사용을 일시 중지하거나 종료할 수 있습니다.
4.2 업그레이드. 귀사가 서비스 플랜을 업그레이드 하기로 선택하거나 구독 기간 중 서비스 액세스 및 사용이 승인된 에이전트의 수를 늘리는 경우, 그러한 업그레이드와 관련한 모든 추가 구독 요금은 잔여 구독 기간에 준하여 청구됩니다. 향후 모든 구독 기간 내에 귀사의 구독 요금은 이러한 업그레이드를 반영합니다.
4.3 Downgrades. You may not downgrade Your Service Plan or reduce the number of Agents during any Subscription Term. If You desire to downgrade Your Service Plan or reduce the number of Agents under any Service Plan for a subsequent Subscription Term, You must provide Zendesk with thirty (30) days advance written notice prior to the end of Your then current Subscription Term. You must demote any downgraded Agents prior to the beginning of the subsequent Subscription Term. Downgrading Your Service Plan may cause loss of content, features, or capacity of the Service as available to You under Your Account, and Zendesk does not accept any liability for such loss.
4.4 Taxes. Unless otherwise stated, Our charges do not include any Taxes. You are responsible for paying Taxes except those assessable against the Zendesk Group measured by its net income. We will invoice You for such Taxes if We believe We have a legal obligation to do so and You agree to pay such Taxes if so invoiced.
4.5 Payment Agent. If You pay by credit card or certain other payment instruments, the Services provide an interface for the Account owner to change credit card information (e.g. upon card renewal). Payments made by credit card, debit card or certain other payment instruments for the Zendesk Service are billed and processed by Zendesk’s Payment Agent. You hereby authorize the Payment Agent to bill Your credit card or other payment instrument in advance on a periodic basis in accordance with the terms of the Service Plan for the Services, and for periodic Subscription Charges applicable to Deployed Associated Services to which You subscribe until Your subscription to the Services terminates, and You further agree to pay any Subscription Charges so incurred. If applicable, You hereby authorize Zendesk and the Payment Agent to charge Your credit card or other payment instrument to establish prepaid credit. The Account owner will receive a receipt upon each acceptance of payment by the Payment Agent, or they may obtain a receipt from within the Services to track subscription status. To the extent the Payment Agent is not Zendesk, the Payment Agent is acting solely as a billing and processing agent for and on behalf of Zendesk and shall not be construed to be providing the applicable Service. The Payment Agent uses a third-party intermediary to manage credit card processing and this intermediary is not permitted to store, retain or use Your billing information except to process Your credit card information for the Payment Agent.
4.6 결제 포털. 귀사가 Zendesk에게 공급업체 결제 포털 또는 컴플라이언스 포털(비즈니스 수행에 필요한 비용으로서 Zendesk 구독 수수료 또는 업로드된 청구서의 일정 비율을 청구하는 업무 수행)을 사용하도록 위임한 경우, Zendesk가 귀사에 해당 금액을 청구할 것이며 귀사에서는 이러한 수수료 비용을 지급할 의무가 있습니다.
4.7 Promotional Credits. Any promotional credits issued hereunder will be subject to the Zendesk Promotional Credits Policy available on the Zendesk Policies and Procedures Website.
섹션 5.기밀 정보
Each Party will protect the other’s Confidential Information from unauthorized use, access or disclosure in the same manner as each Party protects its own Confidential Information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as otherwise expressly permitted pursuant to this Agreement, each Party may use the other Party’s Confidential Information solely to exercise its respective rights and perform its respective obligations under this Agreement and shall disclose such Confidential Information (a) solely to the employees and/or non-employee service providers and contractors who have a need to know such Confidential Information and who are bound by terms of confidentiality intended to prevent the misuse of such Confidential Information; (b) as necessary to comply with an order or subpoena of any administrative agency or court of competent jurisdiction; or (c) as reasonably necessary to comply with any applicable law or regulation. Except for Zendesk’s Security Non-Disclosure Agreement, the provisions of this Section 5 shall control over any non-disclosure agreement by and between the Parties and any such non-disclosure agreement shall have no further force or effect with respect to the exchange of Confidential Information after the execution of this Agreement. To be clear, any exchange of Confidential Information prior to the execution of this Agreement shall continue to be governed by any such non-disclosure agreement.
섹션 6.서비스 데이터의 소유권 및 보안
6.1 서비스 데이터 소유권. 구독자는 본 약정의 내용에 따라 처리되는 모든 서비스 데이터에 대한 소유권을 보유합니다.
6.2서비스 데이터 판매 금지. Zendesk는 귀사의 서비스 데이터를 제3자에게 판매, 대여 또는 임대하지 않습니다. 당사는 본 약정에서 허용하는 경우와 서비스를 제공, 보호 및 지원하기 위한 경우를 제외하고 귀사의 서비스 데이터를 제3자와 공유하지 않습니다.
6.3 세이프가드. Zendesk 그룹은 “서비스 데이터 보호 방법(엔터프라이즈 서비스)”에 설명된 엔터프라이즈 보안 조치에 따른 엔터프라이즈 서비스를 위해, “서비스 데이터 보호 방법(이노베이션 서비스)”에 설명된 이노베이션 보안 조치에 따른 이노베이션 서비스를 위해, 그리고 또한 해당되는 경우 배포된 모든 관련 서비스에 대한 보조 약관에 따라서, 서비스 데이터의 보안, 기밀성 및 무결성을 보호하기 위해 적절한 관리와 물리적ㆍ기술적 보호 장치를 유지합니다. Zendesk Group의 엔터프라이즈 보안 조치 또는 이노베이션 보안 조치(해당하는 경우) 준수는 약정에 명시된 대로 서비스 데이터를 보호해야 하는 Zendesk 그룹의 의무를 준수하는 것으로 간주됩니다.
섹션 7.개인 정보 보호 관행
7.1 Subscriber as Data Controller. To the extent Service Data constitutes Personal Data, the Parties agree that You shall be deemed to be the Data Controller, and the relevant entity in the Zendesk Group shall be deemed to be the Data Processor, as those terms are understood under the Applicable Data Protection Law. We explain how We process Service Data in our role as Data Processor in our Privacy and Data Protection website available at: https://www.zendesk.com/company/privacy-and-data-protection/ and in our Data Processing Agreement (see Section 7.4 below).
7.2 Hosting and Processing. Unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by Zendesk, Service Data may be hosted by the Zendesk Group, or their respective authorized third-party service providers, in the United States, the EEA or other locations around the world. Subject to the confidentiality terms set forth herein, You acknowledge and agree that Zendesk may receive, collect and/or Process Service Data, including but not limited to Personal Data within Service Data, based on Our legitimate interest under Applicable Data Protection Law to provide, secure and improve the Services. In providing the Services, Zendesk will engage entities within the Zendesk Group and other authorized service providers to Process Service Data, including and without limitation, any Personal Data within Service Data pursuant to this Agreement within the EEA, the United States and in other countries and territories.
7.3 Transfer of Personal Data. To the extent that Personal Data within Service Data originates from an Agent or End-User in the EEA, as further described in our DPA, We will ensure that, pursuant to Applicable Data Protection Law, if Personal Data within Service Data is transferred to a country or territory outside of the EEA (a “non-EEA country”), then such transfer will only take place if: (a) the non-EEA country in question ensures an adequate level of data protection; (b) one of the conditions listed in Article 46 GDPR (or its equivalent under any successor legislation) is satisfied; or (c) the Personal Data is transferred on the basis of Zendesk’s approved binding corporate rules known as the Zendesk Binding Corporate Rules available on Zendesk’s Privacy and Data Protection Website, which establish adequate protection of such personal information and are legally binding on the Zendesk Group; or (d) the transfer takes place pursuant to the EU-U.S. or Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks. We will further ensure that the transfer is subject to the standard contractual clauses designed to facilitate transfers of Personal Data from the EEA to all third countries that have been adopted by the European Commission, which have been incorporated into the DPA.
7.4 Data Processing Agreements.
7.4.1 Zendesk’s Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) can be executed here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/data-processing-form/. Upon execution by Subscriber, the DPA is hereby incorporated by reference herein into the terms of this Agreement.
7.4.2 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Addendum. Zendesk’s CCPA Addendum can be executed here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/ccpa-addendum/. Upon execution by Subscriber, the CCPA Addendum is hereby incorporated by reference herein into the terms of this Agreement.
7.5 Sub-processors. You acknowledge and agree that Zendesk may use Sub-processors, who may access Service Data, to provide, secure and improve the Services. We shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of members of Zendesk Personnel and Sub-processors to the same extent that We would be responsible if Zendesk was performing the services of each Zendesk Personnel or Sub-processor directly under the terms of this Agreement. The names and locations of all current Sub-processors used for the Processing of Personal Data within Service Data under this Agreement are set forth in the Sub-processor Policy available on Zendesk’s Policies and Procedures Website.
7.6 Agent Personal Data. When Zendesk collects Personal Data of Your Agents, including in Our capacity as Data Controller, Zendesk processes such Personal Data in accordance with Our Privacy Policy and Zendesk’s Controller Global Binding Corporate Rules. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and Process this Personal Data where necessary to provide the Services and in accordance with Our legitimate interests, including communicating with Agents in connection with their use of the Services. Where We rely on Our legitimate interest as described above, Your Agents or End Users may have certain rights relating to their Personal Data. These rights and how they can be exercised are explained in Our Privacy Policy. You are responsible for informing Your Agents and End-Users of their rights set forth in Our Privacy Policy.
7.7 In-Product Cookies. Whenever You, Your Agents or End-Users interact with Our Services, We automatically receive and record information on Our server logs from the browser or device, which may include IP address, “cookie” information, and the type of browser and/or device being used to access the Services, as further described in Zendesk’s In-Product Cookie Policy. When We collect this information, We only use this data to provide the Services or in aggregate form, and not in a manner that would identify Your Agents or End-Users personally.
섹션 8.일시 정지
We reserve the right to restrict functionalities or suspend the Services (or any part thereof), Your Account or Your and/or Agents’ or End-Users’ rights to access and use the Services and remove, disable or quarantine any Service Data or other content if (a) We reasonably believe that You, Agents or End-Users have violated this Agreement; or (b) We suspect or detect any Malicious Software connected to Your Account or use of a Service by You, Agents or End-Users. This right includes the removal or disablement of Service Data or other content in accordance with Our Copyright Infringement Notice and Takedown Policy available on Zendesk’s Intellectual Property Website. Unless legally prohibited from doing so, We will use commercially reasonable efforts to contact You directly via email to notify You when taking any of the foregoing actions. We shall not be liable to You, Agents, End-Users or any other third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuation of Your rights to access and use the Services. Any suspected fraudulent, abusive, or illegal activity by You, Agents or End-Users may be referred to law enforcement authorities at Our sole discretion.
섹션 9.Zendesk 서비스가 아닌 경우
귀사가 비Zendesk 서비스를 활성화, 액세스 또는 사용하기로 결정한 경우, 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스에 대한 귀사의 액세스 및 사용은 전적으로 해당 비Zendesk 서비스의 이용 약관에 따릅니다. Zendesk는 이러한 비Zendesk 서비스(해당 콘텐츠 또는 데이터 처리, 보호, 관리 또는 서비스 데이터를 포함한 데이터 처리 방식을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않음) 또는 귀사와 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스 제공 업체 간의 모든 상호 작용에 대해 어떠한 측면에 대해서도 보증하지 않으며, 책임을 부담하지도 않고, 어떠한 표명도 하지 않습니다. 당사는 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스 기능의 지속적인 가용성을 보장할 수 없으며, 귀사에 대한 어떠한 환불 처리나 크레딧 또는 기타 보상 제공 없이 해당 기능에 대한 액세스가 중단될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 만약 어떠한 비Zendesk 서비스를 제공하는 업체가 해당 서비스를 당사에서 지원하는 것과 호환 가능한 방식으로 운용하던 것을 중단하는 경우가 발생할 수 있으며 이에 국한되는 것은 아닙니다.귀사는 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스와 관련하여 Zendesk에 대한 모든 클레임을 최종적으로 포기해야 합니다.당사는 귀사의 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스의 활성화, 액세스 또는 사용으로 인해 발생하였거나, 이러한 비Zendesk 서비스의 개인정보 보호 관행, 데이터 보안 프로세스 또는 기타 정책에 귀사가 의존하여 발생하였거나, 또는 이와 관련하여 이와 관련하여 발생한 손해 또는 손실에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.귀사는 이러한 비Zendesk 서비스의 웹사이트에서 그러한 서비스에 등록하거나 로그인해야 할 수 있습니다. 귀사가 비Zendesk 서비스를 가능하도록 하는 행위는 Zendesk가 그러한 비Zendesk 서비스의 사용 또는 활성화의 편의를 위해 필요에 따라 귀사의 로그인 및 서비스 데이터를 공개해도 된다는 것을 명시적으로 허용하는 것입니다.
If You register for a free trial for any of the Services, We will make such Services available to You on a trial basis free of charge until the earlier of (a) the end of the free trial period for which You registered to use the applicable Service(s); (b) the start date of any subscription to such Service purchased by You for such Service(s); or (c) termination of the trial by Us in Our sole discretion. Trial terms and conditions may appear on the trial registration web page. Any such additional terms and conditions are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and are legally binding. Please review the applicable Documentation during the trial period so that You become familiar with the features and functions of the Services under applicable Service Plans before You make Your purchase. ANY SERVICE DATA YOU ENTER INTO A SERVICE, AND ANY CONFIGURATIONS OR CUSTOMIZATIONS MADE TO A SERVICE BY OR FOR YOU, DURING YOUR FREE TRIAL WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOST UNLESS YOU PURCHASE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SAME SERVICE AS COVERED BY THE TRIAL, PURCHASE THE APPLICABLE SERVICE, OR EXPORT SUCH SERVICE DATA, BEFORE THE END OF THE TRIAL PERIOD.
때때로, 당사는 귀사에 무료로 베타 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다. 귀사는 귀사의 전적인 재량으로 그러한 베타 서비스를 사용해 볼 것을 선택할 수 있습니다. 베타 서비스는 평가 목적으로 제작되었으며 생산용이 아니며 지원 서비스가 제공되지 않습니다. 여기에는 향후 제공되는 보조 약관이 적용될 것입니다. 베타 서비스는 본 약정에 따른 “서비스”로 간주되지 않지만, 모든 제한 사항, 당사의 권리 보유 및 서비스에 관한 귀사의 의무, 그리고 비 Zendesk 서비스의 사용은 귀사의 베타 서비스 사용에도 동일하게 적용됩니다.달리 명시되거나 귀사에 전달되지 않는 한 모든 베타 서비스 평가 기간은 해당 베타 서비스에 대한 지정 없이 그 베타 서비스 버전이 일반적으로 사용 가능해지는 날짜에 만료됩니다. 당사는 전적인 재량에 따라 언제든지 베타 서비스를 중단할 수 있으며, 일반 상용화를 진행하지 않을 수도 있습니다. 당사는 베타 서비스로 인해 또는 베타 서비스와 관련하여 발생하는 어떠한 피해나 손해에 대해서도 책임을 지지 않습니다.
섹션 12. 지식 재산권
12.1각 당사자는 지식 재산권에 대한 모든 권리와 소유권 및 이권을 보존합니다. 본 약정에 따라 귀하, 에이전트 및 최종 사용자가 서비스를 사용할 수 있도록 부여된 권한은 서비스 또는 이와 관련된 Zendesk의 지식 재산권에 대한 어떠한 권리도 추가하지 않습니다. 본 문서에 명백히 언급된 바와 같이, 해당 서비스에 대한 액세스 및 사용의 제한된 권한에 의거하여, 해당 서비스와 하드웨어, 소프트웨어, 그리고 서비스를 제공하는 데 사용되거나 사용되는 구성 요소에 대한 모든 권리와 소유권 및 이권(모든 관련 지적 재산권을 포함)은 여전히 Zendesk에 있으며 독점적으로 Zendesk에 속합니다.
12.2Zendesk Group은 구현, 사용, 수정, 상업적 이용, 서비스에 통합 또는 기타 방식으로 구현, 사용, 수정, 상업적으로 이용하기 위한 비용이 전액 지불된, 로열티 무료, 전 세계 사용 가능, 양도 가능, 하위 라이선스 설정 가능(다중 레이어를 통해), 할당 가능, 취소 불가능 및 영구 라이선스를 보유해야 합니다. 귀사, 에이전트, 최종 사용자 또는 귀사를 대리하는 기타 제3자에게서 받은 제안, 개선 요청, 권장 사항 또는 기타 피드백을 사용합니다. Zendesk 그룹은 또한 귀하, 에이전트, 최종 사용자 또는 귀사를 대리하는 제3자에게서 받은 제안, 개선 요청, 권장 사항 또는 기타 피드백 등을 기반으로 하거나 이에 따라 개시된 모든 특성, 기능, 구성 요소에 대해 지식 재산 보호를 구할 권리를 보유합니다.
12.3Zendesk의 지식 재산 웹사이트에서 제공되는 당사의 상표 사용 지침에서 허용하는 방식으로만 Zendesk 표장을 사용할 수 있습니다. 단, 현재나 미래에 Zendesk 표장에 대한 권리 주장, Zendesk 표장의 고유성 저하, 또는 Zendesk나 당사 서비스를 폄하 또는 왜곡의 목적으로 Zendesk 표장 사용을 시도해서는 안 됩니다.구독자의 상표, 서비스 마크, 서비스 이름이나 상표명, 또는 로고 등을 사용할 수 있는 Zendesk의 권한은 주문 양식 또는 양 당사자의 상호 합의에 따라 명시됩니다.
섹션 13.진술, 보증 및 책임의 부정
13.1각 당사자는 다음에 대해 타방 당사자에게 진술 및 보증합니다. (a) 본 약정은 적법하게 작성 및 전달되었으며 계약 조건에 따라 해당 당사자에 대해 집행 가능한 유효하고 구속력 있는 계약을 구성함, (b) 이러한 당사자의 본 약정의 작성, 전달 또는 이행과 관련하여 제3자의 허가 또는 승인이 필요하지 않음, (c) 본 약정의 작성, 전달 및 이행은 일방 당사자가 속하거나 다른 방식으로 구속되는 모든 다른 계약의 내용을 위반하지 않음.
13.2 보증. 당사는 해당 구독 기간 동안 다음 사항을 보증합니다. (a) 본 약정 및 문서가 서비스 데이터의 보안, 기밀성 및 무결성에 대한 관리와 물리적ㆍ기술적 보호 조치를 정확하게 설명할 것, 그리고 (b) 서비스는 해당 문서에 따라 신중히 이행될 것.본 섹션의 보증 위반에 대한 귀사의 유일한 구제책은 이곳 섹션 3.3에 설명되어 있습니다.
13.3 면책 조항. 섹션13.2에 구체적으로 설명된 경우를 제외하고, 모든 서버 및 네트워크 구성요소를 포함한 사이트 및 서비스는 “있는 그대로” 그리고 “사용 가능한 대로” 제공할 것을 기준으로, 어떠한 종류의 보증도 없이 법이 허용하는 한 당사에서는 어떠한 보증도 명시적으로 부인합니다. 명시적이든 묵시적이든 상관없이 상품성, 소유권, 특정 목적 적합성 및 비위반에 대한 묵시적 보증을 포함하되 이에 국한되지는 않습니다. 귀사는 서비스가 중단되지 않고, 시기적절하며, 안전하고, 오류가 없고, 바이러스 또는 기타 악성 소프트웨어로부터 자유로울 것이라는 것을 당사가 보증하지 않는다는 점과, 당사 또는 서비스를 통해 귀사에서 얻은 정보 또는 조언이 본 약정에 명시적으로 언급되지 않은 보증을 의미하지 않음을 인정합니다.
섹션 14.면책
14.1 Indemnification by Us. We will indemnify, defend and hold You harmless from and against any claim brought by a third party against You by reason of Your use of a Service as permitted hereunder, alleging that such Service infringes or misappropriates a third party’s valid patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret (an “IP Claim”). We shall, at Our expense, defend such IP Claim and pay damages finally awarded against You in connection therewith, including the reasonable fees and expenses of the attorneys engaged by Zendesk for such defense, provided that (a) You promptly notify Zendesk of the threat or notice of such IP Claim; (b) We will have the sole and exclusive control and authority to select defense attorneys, and defend and/or settle any such IP Claim (however, We shall not settle or compromise any claim that results in liability or admission of any liability by You without Your prior written consent); and (c) You fully cooperate with Zendesk in connection therewith. If use of a Service by You, Agents or End-Users has become, or, in Our opinion, is likely to become, the subject of any such IP Claim, We may, at Our option and expense, (i) procure for You the right to continue using the Service(s) as set forth hereunder; (ii) replace or modify a Service to make it non-infringing; or (iii) if options (i) or (ii) are not commercially reasonable or practicable as determined by Zendesk, terminate Your subscription to the Service(s) and repay You, on a pro-rata basis, any Subscription Charges previously paid to Zendesk for the corresponding unused portion of Your Subscription Term for such Service(s). We will have no liability or obligation under this Section 14.1 with respect to any IP Claim if such claim is caused in whole or in part by (x) compliance with designs, data, instructions or specifications provided by You; (y) modification of the Service(s) by anyone other than Zendesk or Zendesk Personnel; or (z) the combination, operation or use of the Service(s) with other hardware or software where a Service would not by itself be infringing. The provisions of this Section 14.1 state the sole, exclusive and entire liability of Zendesk to You and constitute Your sole remedy with respect to an IP Claim brought by reason of access to or use of a Service by You, Agents or End-Users.
14.2 Indemnification by You. You will indemnify, defend and hold Zendesk harmless against any claim brought by a third party against Zendesk (a) arising from or related to use of a Service by You, Agents or End-Users in breach of this Agreement; or (b) alleging that Your use of the Service or Your Service Data infringes or misappropriates a third party’s valid patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret; provided that (i) We promptly notify You of the threat or notice of such claim; (ii) You will have the sole and exclusive control and authority to select defense attorneys, and defend and/or settle any such claim (however, You shall not settle or compromise any claim that results in liability or admission of any liability by Us without Our prior written consent); and (iii) We fully cooperate with You in connection therewith.
섹션 15.책임의 제한
15.3 여기에 명시된 책임의 제한은 구독자와 그 계열사의 모든 클레임에 합산하여 적용되며 누적되지 않습니다.
15.4일부 관할권에서는 부수적 또는 결과적 손해, 개인 상해, 또는 사망에 대한 묵시적 보증 또는 책임 제한의 배제를 허용하지 않으며, 이는 위의 책임 제한 중 일부가 귀사에 적용되지 않을 수 있음을 의미합니다. 이러한 관할권에서 Zendesk 그룹의 책임은 법률이 허용하는 최대 범위로 제한됩니다.
15.5 Zendesk에 대해 귀사가 제기할 수 있는 모든 클레임이나 손해는 Zendesk에 대해서만 집행 가능하며, 모든 기타 법인, 모든 임원, 이사, 대리인 또는 Zendesk의 에이전트나 모든 기타 법인의 에이전트에 대해서는 불가능합니다.
섹션 16.제3자 서비스 제공 업체
Third-Party Service Providers. You agree that the Zendesk Group, and the third-party service providers that are utilized by the Zendesk Group to assist in providing the Services to You, shall have the right to access Your Account and to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, display and disclose the Personal Data of Your Agents to the extent necessary to provide, secure or improve the Services. Any third-party service providers utilized by the Zendesk Group will only be given access to Your Account as is reasonably necessary to provide the Services and will be subject to (a) confidentiality obligations which are commercially reasonable and substantially consistent with the standards described in Section 5; and (b) such third-party service provider’s agreement to comply with the data transfer restrictions applicable to Personal Data within Service Data as set forth in Section 7.
섹션 17.양도, 완전한 합의 및 개정
17.1 Assignment. You may not, directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise, assign all or any part of this Agreement or Your rights under this Agreement, or delegate performance of Your duties under this Agreement, without Our prior written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. We may, without Your consent, assign this Agreement to any member of the Zendesk Group or in connection with any merger or change of control of Zendesk or the Zendesk Group or the sale of all or substantially all of Our assets provided that any such successor agrees to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. Subject to the foregoing restrictions, this Agreement will be fully binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties and their respective successors and assigns.
17.2 완전한 합의. 본 약정은 완전한 합의를 구성하며 본 약정의 주제와 관련하여 귀사와 Zendesk 간의 모든 이전 합의 내용을 대체합니다. 본 약정은 이 문서에 명시적으로 설명한 경우를 제외하고 귀사 또는 귀사가 대표하는 모든 법인이 제공하는 모든 구매 주문서 또는 기타 주문 서류의 내용(이러한 모든 조항 또는 조건은 무효로 됨)을 대신하여 적용됩니다. 본 문서의 주제와 관련하여 어느 일방 당사자가 신뢰할 만한 기타 합의, 진술, 보증 또는 약속은 존재하지 않습니다. 양 당사자 간에 구두로 이뤄진 약속, 조건, 진술, 이해, 해석 또는 어떠한 종류의 조건도 존재하지 않습니다. 단, 본 문서에 명시적으로 규정되어 있는 경우는 예외입니다. 본 문서에 사용된 제목은 편의를 위한 것이며 본 약정 내용 해석에 영향을 주지 않습니다.
17.3 개정. 당사는 본 약정을 수시로 개정할 수 있으며, 이 경우 새로운 약정이 이전 버전을 대체합니다. 당사는 이러한 개정의 발효일로부터 십(10) 일 이전에 귀사에 통지할 것이며, 그러한 개정 약정의 발효일 이후 귀사가 지속적인 해당 서비스를 사용하는 하는 경우, Zendesk는 이는 그러한 개정에 대한 귀사의 동의 표시라고 신뢰할 수 있습니다.당사가 본 약정의 조항을 언제라도 시행하지 않는다고 해서 해당 조항이나 본 약정의 다른 조항을 포기하는 것은 아닙니다.
섹션 18. 분리 가능성
관할 법원에서 본 약정의 어떤 조항이 이행 불가능하다고 판단한 경우, 해당 조항은 법에서 허용하는 최대한도까지 원래의 조항과 이 조항의 나머지 조항을 최대한 달성할 수 있도록 법원에 의해 수정 및 해석되어야 하며, 본 약정의 나머지 조항은 효력을 유지합니다.
섹션 19. 수출 규정 및 사용 제한
The Services and other Zendesk technology, and derivatives thereof, may be subject to export controls and economic sanctions laws and regulations of the United States and other jurisdictions. Subscriber agrees to comply with all such laws and regulations as they relate access to the Services and other Zendesk technology. Subscriber represents that they are not named on any U.S. government restricted-party list, will not permit any Agent or End-User to access or use any Service in a U.S.-embargoed country or region (currently Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria or Crimea), and will not permit the Service to be used for any prohibited end use (e.g., nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation, or missile-development purposes).
섹션 20.당사자의 관계
양 당사자는 독립 계약자입니다. 본 약정은 양 당사자 간의 파트너십, 프랜차이즈, 합작 투자, 대리점, 신탁 또는 고용 관계를 형성하지 않습니다.
섹션 21.통지
All notices provided by Zendesk to You under this Agreement may be delivered in writing by (a) nationally recognized overnight delivery service (“Courier”) or U.S. mail to the contact mailing address provided by You on any Order Form; or (b) electronic mail to the electronic mail address provided for Your Account owner. You must give notice to Zendesk in writing by Courier or U.S. mail to 989 Market Street, San Francisco, California 94103 U.S.A. Attn: Legal Department. All notices shall be deemed to have been given immediately upon delivery by electronic mail; or, if otherwise delivered upon the earlier of receipt or two (2) business days after being deposited in the mail or with a Courier as permitted above.
섹션 22.준거법
본 약정은 법 원칙의 충돌과 관계없이 캘리포니아 주법의 적용을 받습니다. 본 약정에 따른 모든 분쟁은 캘리포니아주 샌프란시스코 카운티의 일반 관할 법원에서 해결됩니다. 귀사는 본 약정과 관련된 분쟁을 해결하거나 귀사나 에이전트 또는 최종 사용자의 서비스 액세스 또는 사용을 목적으로 본 관할권의 전속적 대인 관할권에 따를 것을 명시적으로 동의합니다.
섹션 23.연방 정부 조달 조항
귀사가 미국 연방 정부 부서, 기관, 해당 부서나 기관이거나, 그러한 부서 또는 기관을 대신하여 계약을 체결하는 경우, 각 서비스는 해당 용어는 48 C.F.R. 제2.101조에서 정의되며,해당 용어는 48 C.F.R. 제12.212조 또는 48 C.F.R. 제227.7202조에서 사용되어 “상용 컴퓨터 소프트웨어” 및 “상용 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 문서”로 구성됩니다. 이는 48 C.F.R. 제12.212조 또는 48 C.F.R. 제227.7202~1조에서 227.7202-4조에 걸쳐 일치합니다. 해당하는 경우, 본 약정의 조건에 따라 제공된 권한에 대해서만 귀사에 라이선스가 부여됩니다.
You agree that You have not received or been offered any illegal or improper bribe, kickback, payment, gift or thing of value from any of Our employees or agents in connection with this Agreement. Reasonable gifts and entertainment provided in the ordinary course of business do not violate the above restriction. If You learn of any violation of the above restriction, You will use reasonable efforts to promptly notify Our Legal Department at legal@zendesk.com.
섹션 25.잔존 규정
섹션 2.1, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 5 – 7, 12 – 22 및 26은 귀사나 에이전트 또는 최종 사용자의 서비스 사용과 관련하여 본 약정이 종료되더라도 유효합니다. 본 약정이 종료되는 경우, 그러한 종료 시점이나 그 이전에 발생한 의무 또는 본 약정의 위반에 대한 당사자의 책임을 제한하지 않습니다.
섹션 26.정의
본 약관의 별도 항목에서 정의한 용어 이외에, 다음 용어들이 대문자로 시작하는 경우(영문본에 해당) 다음과 같은 의미를 갖습니다.
“Account” means any accounts or instances created by or on behalf of Subscriber or its Affiliates within the Services.
“Additional Feature(s)” means additional features or functionality (including Built by Zendesk Marketplace Applications, Zendesk Labs apps, Early Access Programs, or Beta Services) that are available or enabled through the Service, but do not form part of the Service. Additional Features also include third party services that are purchased and/or subscribed to via an Order Form and that are identified as being resold by Zendesk and governed by such third party’s alternate agreement. Additional Features are purchased or enabled separately and distinctly from Your Service Plan and Deployed Associated Services.
“Affiliate” means, with respect to a Party, any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such Party, whereby “control” (including, with correlative meaning, the terms “controlled by” and “under common control”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct, or cause the direction of the management and policies of such person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise.
“Agent” means an individual (including those of Your Affiliates) authorized to use the Service(s) through Your Account as an agent and/or administrator, each as identified through an individual Agent Login.
“Agent Login” means a unique username and associated password provisioned to an identifiable individual to permit them to access the Services.
“Agreement” means the Master Subscription Agreement together with any and all Supplemental Terms, Order Forms, and other documents such as a SOW, BAA, CCPA Addendum and DPA (each, where applicable) along with the Zendesk Privacy Policy located on Zendesk’s Customers and Partners Website.
“API” means the application programming interfaces developed, made available and enabled by Zendesk that permit Subscribers to access certain functionality provided by the Services, including, without limitation, the REST API that enables the interaction with the Services automatically through HTTP requests and the application development API that enables the integration of the Services with other web applications.
“Applicable Data Protection Law” means the following data protection law(s): (a) the EU Regulation 2016/679 entitled “On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR)” and any applicable national laws made under it; (b) the Swiss Federal Act of 19 June 1992 on Data Protection (as may be amended or superseded); (c) the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada (PIPEDA); and (d) Brazilian Law No. 13,709/2018, as amended (LGPD).
“Associated Services” means products, services, features and functionality designed to be used in conjunction with the Services that are not included in the Service Plan to which You subscribe. For avoidance of doubt, Additional Features that are expressly stated to be governed by separate Supplemental Terms shall not be deemed an Associated Service. Where You have purchased, deployed, or subscribed to an Associated Service, such Associated Service is referred to as a “Deployed Associated Service.”
“Beta Services” means a product, service or functionality provided by Zendesk that may be made available to You to try at Your option at no additional charge which is clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, non-production, early access, evaluation or by a similar description.
“Built by Zendesk Marketplace Applications” means integrations and applications created or developed by Zendesk or its Affiliates and made available in the Zendesk Marketplace (available at https://www.zendesk.com/apps) which will be governed by this Agreement unless Zendesk otherwise communicates a different agreement to You at the time of Your deployment of or access to the integration or application.
“Confidential Business Information” means all Confidential Information that is not Service Data, including, without limitation, Your Agents’ Personal Data and Account information, which Zendesk may store in its systems separate from the Service and Our security policies and procedures.
“Confidential Information” means all information disclosed by one Party to the other Party which is in tangible form and designated as confidential or is information, regardless of form, which a reasonable person would understand to be confidential given the nature of the information and circumstances of disclosure, including, but not limited to, the terms of this Agreement, Subscriber Service Data and Confidential Business Information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include information that (a) was already known to the receiving Party at the time of disclosure by the disclosing Party; (b) was or is obtained by the receiving Party from a third party not known by the receiving Party to be under an obligation of confidentiality with respect to such information; (c) is or becomes generally available to the public other than by violation of this Agreement or another valid agreement between the Parties; or (d) was or is independently developed by the receiving Party without the use of the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.
“컨설팅 서비스”란 주문서 또는 기타 하드카피 문서(예: SOW) 문서에 명시된 대로 Zendesk 직원이 제공하는 컨설팅 및 전문 서비스(교육, 성공 및 실행 서비스 포함)를 의미합니다.
“Documentation” means any written or electronic documentation, images, video, text or sounds specifying the functionalities or limitations of the Services or describing Service Plans, as applicable, provided or made available by Zendesk to You in the applicable Zendesk help center(s), Site or Zendesk developer website (https://developer.zendesk.com/); provided, however, that Documentation shall specifically exclude any “community moderated” forums as provided or accessible through such knowledge base(s).
“End-User” means any person or entity other than Subscriber or Agents with whom Subscriber, its Agents, or its End-Users interact while using a Service.
“Enterprise Services” means any Service not designated on Zendesk’s Innovation Services List available on Zendesk’s Customers and Partners Website.
“Force Majeure Event” means any circumstances beyond Our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, an act of God, act of government, flood, fire, earthquake, civil unrest, act of terror, strike or other labor problem (other than one involving Our employees), Internet service provider failure or delay, Non-Zendesk Services, or acts undertaken by third parties, including without limitation, denial of service attack.
“Innovation Services” means any Service or feature described on Zendesk’s Innovation Services List available on Zendesk’s Customers and Partners Website.
“Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all respective patents, inventions, copyrights, trademarks, domain names, trade secrets, know-how and any other intellectual property and/or proprietary rights.
“Malicious Software” means any viruses, malware, Trojan horses, time bombs, or any other similar harmful software.
“Non-Zendesk Services” means third party products, applications, services, software, networks, systems, directories, websites, databases and information which a Service links to, or which You may connect to or enable in conjunction with a Service, including, without limitation, Non-Zendesk Services which may be integrated directly into Your Account by You or at Your direction.
“Order Form” means Our generated service order form(s) or online ordering document or process completed, executed or approved by You with respect to Your subscription to a Service, which may detail, among other things, the number of Agents authorized to use a Service under Your subscription and the Service Plan applicable to Your subscription.
“Payment Agent” means Zendesk, Inc. or a payment agent designated by Zendesk. For example, if You choose to pay for a Service with a credit card or certain other payment instruments in a currency other than the U.S. Dollar, Zendesk may designate the Payment Agent to be Zendesk International Limited, a corporation organized under the laws of Ireland, Registration No. 519184.
“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’) where an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to their physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
“Personnel” means employees and/or non-employee service providers and contractors of the Zendesk Group engaged by the Zendesk Group in connection with performance hereunder.
“Planned Downtime” means planned downtime for upgrades and maintenance to the Services scheduled in advance of such upgrades and maintenance.
“Privacy Policy” means Zendesk’s privacy policy located at https://www.zendesk.com/company/customers-partners/privacy-policy/.
“Processing/to Process/Processed” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
“Service(s)” means the products and services that are ordered by You online through a link or via an Order Form referencing this Agreement, whether on a trial or paid basis, and whether Enterprise Services or Innovation Services, and made available online by Us, via the applicable subscriber login link and other web pages designated by Us, including, individually and collectively, the applicable Software, updates, API, Documentation, and all Deployed Associated Services that are provided under this Agreement. “Services” exclude (a) Non-Zendesk Services as that term is defined in this Agreement; and (b) any Additional Features or Associated Services that are not provided under this Agreement or Your Service Plan. From time to time, the names and descriptions of the Services or any individual Service may be changed. To the extent Subscriber is given access to such Service as so described by virtue of a prior Order Form or other prior acceptance of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be deemed to apply to such Service as newly named or described.
“Service Data” means a subset of Confidential Information comprised of electronic data, text, messages, communications or other materials submitted to and stored within a Service by You, Agents and End-Users in connection with Your use of such Service, which may include, without limitation, Personal Data (but shall not include the Personal Data of Your Agents in the context of Account Information as described in the Privacy Policy).
“Service Data Breach” means an unauthorized access or improper disclosure that has been verified to have affected Your Service Data.
“Service Plan(s)” means the packaged service plan(s) and the functionality and services associated therewith (as detailed on the Site and in Documentation applicable to the Service) for the Services.
“Site” means a website operated by the Zendesk Group, including www.zendesk.com, as well as all other websites that the Zendesk Group operates (but shall not include the Services).
“Software” means software provided by Zendesk (either by download or access through the internet) that allows Agents or End-Users to use any functionality in connection with the applicable Service.
“Sub-processor” means any third-party data processor engaged by Zendesk, including entities from the Zendesk Group, that receives Service Data from Zendesk for Processing on behalf of Subscriber and in accordance with Subscriber’s instructions (as communicated by Zendesk) and the terms of its written subcontract.
“Subscription Charges” means all charges associated with Your access to and use of an Account.
“Subscription Term” means the period during which You have agreed to subscribe to a Service.
“Supplemental Terms” means the additional terms and conditions that are (a) set forth below in this Agreement in the sections entitled, “Supplemental Terms”; (b) included or incorporated on an Order Form via hyperlink or other reference (e.g. when a Deployed Associated Service is purchased); (c) applicable to Consulting Services when purchased by You; (d) applicable to Additional Features when activated by You; and (e) Zendesk’s Service-Specific Terms.
“Taxes” means taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments, including value-added, sales, use or withholding taxes assessable by any local, state, provincial or foreign jurisdiction.
“Usage Charges” means additional Subscription Charges that are incurred by Subscriber relating to the use of certain features and functionality that Subscriber enables within the Service.
“We,” “Us” or “Our” means Zendesk as defined below.
“Zendesk” means Zendesk, Inc., a Delaware corporation, or any of its successors or assignees.
“Zendesk’s Customers and Partners Website” means the website located at: https://www.zendesk.com/company/customers-partners/.
“Zendesk Group” means Zendesk, Inc., a Delaware corporation together with all its Affiliates.
“Zendesk’s In-Product Cookie Policy” means the policy available at https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022367393-Zendesk-in-product-cookie-policy.
“Zendesk’s Intellectual Property Website” means the website located at: https://www.zendesk.com/company/trademark-property/.
“Zendesk Marks” means any trademarks, service marks, service or trade names, logos or other designations of Zendesk, the Zendesk Group, or its or their Affiliates, whether registered or unregistered.
“Zendesk’s Policies and Procedures Website” means the website located at: https://www.zendesk.com/company/policies-procedures/.
“Zendesk’s Privacy and Data Protection Website” means the website located at: https://www.zendesk.com/company/privacy-and-data-protection/.
“Zendesk’s Service-Specific Terms” means the Supplemental Terms applicable to use of different Services described here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047508453.
다음의 가별 약관이 귀사의 서비스 사용에 적용될 수 있습니다.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, any applicable rights You may have under Australian Consumer Law continue to apply in full force. [This includes, but is not limited to, Sections 3.3, 4.3, 9.2, 13.2, 14.1 and 15 of this Agreement.] “Australian Consumer Law” in this section means the Australian Consumer Law under Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
You agree that You are responsible for notifying End-Users that Personal Data collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Agreement, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Privacy Principles as we further detail here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/anz-privacy. You are responsible for notifying End-Users that if they are dissatisfied with our handling of a complaint or do not agree with the resolution proposed by Us, they may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) by contacting the OAIC using the methods listed on their website at http://www.oaic.gov.au. Alternatively, they may request that We pass on the details of their complaint to the OAIC directly.
In respect of disclosures or transfers of Service Data to a country outside Australia, the Zendesk Group has ensured that the recipient of the Service Data (and any onward third-party recipients’) will comply with obligations that are substantively similar and at least as strict as, if not stricter than, those required by the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act in respect of any Processing of Personal Data.
당사자들은 관련 서비스 데이터 침해의 조사 및 평가와 관련하여, 그리고 관련 데이터 보호법에 따라 현지 또는 해외 관할권의 규제 기관(호주 정보 커미셔너청을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않음)(각각 “규제 기관”) 및 영향을 받는 개인에게 해야 하는 서비스 데이터 침해 통지와 관련하여 협력할 것에 동의합니다. 규제 기관 및 영향을 받는 개인에 대한 모든 서신 또는 통지는 양 당사자가 상호 합의한 형식으로 이루어져야 합니다.그러나 본 약정의 어떠한 내용도, 서비스 데이터 침해에 대해 규제 기관이나 개인에게 통지하는 것과 관련된 경우를 포함하여, 각 당사자가 관련 데이터 보호법에 따른 각자의 법적 의무를 준수하는 것을 금지하지 않습니다.
You agree that You are responsible for notifying End-Users that Personal Data is collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Agreement and is collected, stored, used and/or processed in accordance with Brazilian Law No. 13,709/2018, as amended, as we further detail here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/customers-partners/privacy-policy/.
You agree that You are responsible for notifying End-Users that Personal Information (as the term is defined in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada (PIPEDA) will be collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group in compliance with the Zendesk Group’s obligations under PIPEDA.
You agree that You are responsible for (i) notifying the End-Users using Our Services via Your Account about how the Zendesk Group may use End-Users’ Personal Data as described in this Agreement; and (ii) obtaining prior consent from End-Users to disclose their Personal Data to Us.
You agree that You are responsible for notifying End-Users that Personal Data collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Agreement, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with the New Zealand’s Privacy Act (1993) and its 12 Information Privacy Principles (NZ IPPs) as we further detail here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/anz-privacy.
You agree that You are responsible for notifying End-Users that Personal Data collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Agreement, is collected, stored, used and/or processed in compliance with the Zendesk Group’s obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”) as we further detail here: https://www.zendesk.com/company/singapore-pdpa/.
California, United States:
You agree that You are responsible for (i) notifying End-Users that Personal Data collected, stored, used and/or processed by the Zendesk Group, as described in this Agreement, is collected, stored, used, and/or processed in compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), as amended, and any regulations made under it and (ii) obtaining consent from End-Users where it is required under the foregoing.
If Subscriber has engaged Zendesk for the provision of professional services (including any training, success, and implementation services) (collectively, “Consulting Services”) as indicated on a Statement of Work (“SOW”) or other written document such as a “Description of Consulting Services” on an Order Form, the provision of such Consulting Services will be governed by the Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed to in a SOW or Order Form, Subscriber agrees that any Consulting Services purchased by Subscriber must commence within six (6) months of the execution of the SOW or Order Form. In consideration of the foregoing, Subscriber and Zendesk, intending to be legally bound, agree to the terms set forth below.
1. Scope. All Consulting Services provided by Zendesk to Subscriber and all deliverables required to be provided by Zendesk to Subscriber pursuant to the Agreement (“Deliverables”) will be outlined in one or more mutually agreed-upon and jointly executed SOWs or Order Forms, each incorporated into the Agreement and describing in detail the scope, nature and other relevant characteristics of the Consulting Services and Deliverables to be provided.
2. Retention. Subscriber hereby retains Zendesk to provide the Consulting Services described in one or more SOWs or Order Forms, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. Zendesk shall not be obligated to perform any Consulting Services until both Parties have mutually agreed upon and executed a SOW or Order Form with respect to such Consulting Services. After execution of a SOW or Order Form, the Consulting Services to be provided under that SOW or Order Form may only be changed through a change order mutually executed by the Parties (“Change Order”).
3. Performance of Consulting Services.
3.1 Each SOW or Order Form will include reasonable details about Consulting Services, including, at a minimum, the Consulting Fees (defined below). Zendesk and Subscriber agree to cooperate in good faith to achieve satisfactory completion of the Consulting Services in a timely and professional manner.
3.2 The Parties will each designate a representative to interface and facilitate the successful completion of the Consulting Services.
3.3 Zendesk will perform the Consulting Services through qualified employees and/or non-employee contractors of Zendesk (“Subcontractors” and together with Zendesk’s employees for the purposes of these Supplemental Terms, “Consulting Services Personnel”). Subscriber agrees to provide, at no cost to Zendesk, timely and adequate assistance and other resources reasonably requested by Zendesk to enable the performance of the Consulting Services (collectively, “Assistance”). Zendesk, including its Subcontractors, will not be liable for any deficiency in the performance of Consulting Services to the extent such deficiency results from any acts or omissions of Subscriber, including, but not limited to, Subscriber’s failure to provide Assistance as required hereunder.
3.4 In performing the Consulting Services, Zendesk will utilize Consulting Services Personnel as it deems necessary to perform the Consulting Services or any portion thereof. Subscriber may object to Zendesk’s use of a Subcontractor by specifying its reasonable objection to Zendesk, in which case the Parties will cooperate in good faith to appoint another Consulting Services Personnel to perform such Consulting Services. Zendesk may replace Consulting Services Personnel in its normal course of business, provided that Zendesk will be responsible for the performance of Consulting Services by all Consulting Services Personnel.
3.5 Zendesk will control the method and manner of performing all work necessary for completion of Consulting Services, including but not limited to the supervision and control of any Consulting Services Personnel performing Consulting Services. Zendesk will maintain such number of qualified Consulting Services Personnel and appropriate facilities and other resources sufficient to perform Zendesk’s obligations under the Agreement in accordance with its terms.
3.6 Consulting Services Personnel may enter (“assume into”) Subscriber’s production Account to provide the Consulting Services as provided for in Zendesk’s Customer Controlled User Assumption Policy found at: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/%20115001753608-Granting-Zendesk-temporary-access-to-your-account.
3.7 In the event that Subscriber seeks to change the scope of Consulting Services to be provided under any SOW or Order Form (including, but not limited to, any changes to the project schedule described in the SOW or Order Form), Subscriber shall discuss such proposed changes with Zendesk. If Zendesk elects to perform such changes to the Consulting Services, the Parties shall work together in good faith to execute a written Change Order. Zendesk shall be entitled to an adjustment in Consulting Fees pursuant to the changes reflected in the Change Order. Zendesk shall not be obligated to perform any differing or additional Consulting Services unless the Parties have mutually agreed upon a written Change Order.
3.8 Unless otherwise agreed to in a SOW or Order Form, for Consulting Services that are Deliverable or milestone based, upon delivery of all Deliverables or completion of all milestones detailed in the SOW or Order Form, Zendesk shall provide Subscriber with written notice (“Completion Notice”). Thereafter, Subscriber shall have five (5) business days from the date of the Completion Notice to provide Zendesk with written notice describing any Deliverables that have not been provided or milestones not met. The SOW or Order Form shall be deemed complete and the Deliverables accepted or milestones met absent Subscriber’s timely written notice of any Deliverables not having been provided or milestones not having been met. In the event that Subscriber provides timely written notice of any Deliverables not having been provided or milestones not having been met, Zendesk shall make commercially reasonable efforts to remedy the defects identified. If the defects cannot be remedied, Subscriber may terminate the applicable SOW and Zendesk shall return the portion of the Consulting Fees paid to Zendesk by Subscriber for the nonconforming portion of the Consulting Services (or, if Consulting Fees have not yet been paid, Subscriber will be relieved from its obligation to pay Consulting Fees for the nonconforming portion of the Consulting Services). For the avoidance of doubt, a Completion Notice shall not be necessary for Consulting Services that are time and materials based.
4. Consulting Fees.
4.1 Subscriber will pay Zendesk the fees to provide the Consulting Services as detailed or described in an Order Form or SOW (the “Consulting Fees”).
4.2 All Consulting Services will be provided on either a time and materials or fixed-fee basis, as indicated in the applicable SOW or Order Form. Each SOW or Order Form providing for time and materials based Consulting Fees will contain a detailed estimate of such time and materials necessary for performance of Consulting Services (“T&M Estimate”). Zendesk will make a commercially reasonable effort to provide such Consulting Services within such T&M Estimate, up to the number of hours agreed to by the Parties. If it appears that the T&M Estimate may be exceeded, Zendesk will make a reasonable effort to notify Subscriber as soon as practicable and provide an amended T&M Estimate. Upon receiving such amended T&M Estimate, Subscriber will accept or reject the amended T&M Estimate. Unless Subscriber rejects such amended T&M Estimate within five (5) business days of delivery, such amended T&M Estimate shall be deemed accepted by Subscriber and Subscriber shall be liable for all Consulting Fees associated with Consulting Services delivered in reliance on such amended T&M Estimate. Any amended T&M Estimate which is accepted by Subscriber shall be deemed a Change Order.
4.3 As detailed in the applicable SOW or Order Form, the performance of Consulting Services may be subject to an advance payment of Consulting Fees by Subscriber upon execution of the SOW or Order Form. Such retainer will be applied against Consulting Fees which become payable by Subscriber. Zendesk may refuse to perform Consulting Services unless and until such advance payment is paid to Zendesk.
4.4 In addition to any and all Consulting Fees, Subscriber will reimburse Zendesk for any reasonable expenses for travel, lodging, communications, shipping charges and out-of-pocket expenses, including changes to travel and accommodations resulting from Subscriber’s request incurred by Zendesk in connection with providing the Consulting Services (“Expenses”). Zendesk will provide reasonable documentation for all Expenses as requested by Subscriber.
4.5 Any unpaid Consulting Fees or Expenses will become overdue thirty (30) days after payment is due and shall be subject to a late fee of one and a half percent (1.5%) per month for each month where payment is not received.
4.6 Cancellation/Changes: Any cancellations of or changes to the Consulting Services less than five (5) business days prior to the agreed upon Consulting Services commencement date are subject to forfeiture of Consulting Fees paid and reserved date(s).
5. Relationship of the Parties. Zendesk is an independent contractor and will maintain complete control of and responsibility for its Consulting Services Personnel, methods and operations in providing Consulting Services. Zendesk will never hold itself out as an agent, subsidiary or affiliate of Subscriber for any purpose, including reporting to any government authority. The Agreement will not be construed so as to create a partnership, other joint venture or undertaking, or any agency relationship between the Parties, and neither Party shall become liable for any representation, act or omission of the other Party or have the authority to contractually bind the other Party. Any Consulting Fees, Expenses or other amounts paid by Subscriber to Zendesk hereunder shall not be considered salary for pension or wage tax purposes and neither Zendesk nor its Consulting Services Personnel will be entitled to any fringe benefits, including sick or vacation pay, or other supplemental benefits of Subscriber, unless otherwise required by law. Subscriber shall not be responsible for deducting or withholding from Consulting Fees or Expenses paid for Consulting Services any taxes, unemployment, social security or other such expense unless otherwise required by law.
6. 보증.
6.1 Zendesk hereby represents and warrants that:
the Consulting Services provided pursuant to the Agreement will be performed in a timely and professional manner by Zendesk and its Consulting Services Personnel, consistent with generally-accepted industry standards; provided that Subscriber’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of this warranty will be, at Zendesk’s option, re-performance of the Consulting Services or termination of the applicable SOW and return of the portion of the Consulting Fees paid to Zendesk by Subscriber for the nonconforming portion of the Consulting Services; and
it is under no contractual or other restrictions or obligations which are inconsistent with the execution of the Agreement, or, to its best knowledge, which will interfere with its performance of the Consulting Services.
6.2 The Parties hereby agree that:
7. 결과물에 대한 권리 및 소유권.
7.1 The Parties hereby agree that the specified Consulting Services to be completed pursuant to any SOW or Order Form primarily involve the configuration of Subscriber’s subscription to a Service and integration of Subscriber data with and into one or more Services, and therefore the Deliverables are inoperative without an active subscription to a Service. As between the Parties, Zendesk shall solely and exclusively own all right, title, and interest in the Deliverables (other than Assigned Deliverables, as defined below), including all derivatives, enhancements and modifications thereof; and Subscriber hereby makes all assignments necessary to accomplish the foregoing ownership. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Zendesk grants Subscriber a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Deliverables (other than Assigned Deliverables) solely in connection with Subscriber’s permitted use of the Services.
7.2 An “Assigned Deliverable” is a Deliverable created by Zendesk in connection with the Consulting Services that is specifically identified as being assigned to Subscriber in an SOW, excluding any Zendesk Background IP that may be incorporated into such Deliverable. “Zendesk Background IP” means inventions (whether or not patentable), works of authorship, designs, know-how, ideas, concepts, information, tools and other intellectual property owned by Zendesk that are incorporated into an Assigned Deliverable and, (a) in existence prior to the commencement of the Consulting Services or (b) developed, created, conceived or reduced to practice by Zendesk not in connection with the applicable SOW. Subject to full and final payment of the applicable Consulting Fees for the applicable Assigned Deliverable, (i) Zendesk hereby assigns title to such Assigned Deliverable to Subscriber, and (ii) to the extent any Zendesk Background IP is incorporated into such Assigned Deliverable, Zendesk grants to Subscriber a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid, worldwide license to use and exercise such Zendesk Background IP in connection with such Assigned Deliverable. Zendesk maintains a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid, worldwide license to use, execute, display, perform and prepare derivative works of Assigned Deliverables.
7.3 A “Subscriber Contribution” is source code that is created by Subscriber in connection with the Consulting Services and is specifically identified in a SOW. Subscriber and Zendesk agree that Subscriber retains title to Subscriber Contributions, and Subscriber hereby grants Zendesk a non-exclusive license to use and exercise the Subscriber Contributions for the performance of the Consulting Services and Services.
8. Open Source.
Zendesk may incorporate open source materials into any Deliverable or Assigned Deliverable. Zendesk will notify Subscriber that it is providing such open source software upon or prior to delivery, and Zendesk will avoid providing any open source materials that are governed by a so-called “copyleft license” that would require Subscriber to permit any disclosure of, distribute or make available any of Subscriber’s proprietary software if Subscriber uses the Deliverables or Assigned Deliverables as permitted hereunder. Any open source materials provided by Zendesk are licensed to Subscriber pursuant to the terms of the applicable open source license and not this Agreement.