최신 기사
페이지 16
B2C 고객 지원을 위한 5가지 필수 항목
B2C companies need to invest in features that account for their consumers’ behaviors, lest they want to see just how frustrated their customers can become. We highlighted the 5 must-have features of B2C customer support that ensure every customer can be heard.
지식창고 디자인을 위한 5가지 성공 사례
When designing your knowledge base, it’s important to keep discoverability and simplicity top of mind. The…
모든 콜 센터가 통합된 티켓 작성 시스템을 사용해야 하는 6가지 이유
Despite major improvements in other realms of customer service, many companies are using outdated technology and…
고객 만족도와 충성도 달성을 위한 3가지 단계
Isn’t it enough that customers find a product appealing, the service high-quality, and the price reasonable?…
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